Sheringham High Street

The secret of Sheringham’s Success? It’s Tradition & Innovation!

I’ve come to appreciate Sheringham from a whole new perspective since purchasing The Prairie. Up until now, I’ve only looked at the High Street from the perspective of a tourist. From that viewpoint it ticked all the boxes:

  • Interesting gift shops.
  • Somewhere to stock up on BBQ meat, food & wine.
  • A toyshop & fudge shop for the kids.
  • Plenty of quality restaurants, pubs and takeaways.
  • Sheringham Little Theatre.

My mum, who lives in nearby Melton Constable, loves coming to Sheringham on the bus for the shops. She likes the rich variety there is to be had on the high street and will usually “top up” on her weekly shop from one of the local stores.

My eyes have been opened to this now that we own The Prairie; during our first end-of-season maintenance visit I managed to get almost everything sourced locally, including a new tumble dryer.

I firmly believe that traditional seaside towns like Sheringham and Cromer have thrived where many have fallen into decay due to their unique and practical blend of tradition and innovation, and the fantastic support of local businesses, tourists and residents alike.

Which brings me nicely onto an exhibition by Norwich artist and photographer Nick Stone that is touring the county until March 2015. The Tradition and Innovation Exhibition shows Victorian pictures from local market towns, including Sheringham, superimposed upon modern images.

The exhibition started at The Mo, and will be moving to the Diss museum in March 2014, onto Swaffham Museum in September 2014 and finally Wymondham Museum in February 2015.

Philip Miles, the museum manager at The Mo is quoted as saying “It’s important to remind people that high streets have always changed and evolved… it’s not always doom and gloom”.

Looking around Sheringham High Street I could not agree more!

Picture courtesy of